O12 Explore and interact with the Micro:bit Orchestra

In this open space you can explore how to utilize Micro:bits, maker technologies and other stuff to build and play with digital instruments. 

You will meet Captain Credible aka Daniel Eugene Lacey-McDermott. He will present some of his work, do some demos and invite you to interact with the instruments yourself.

Daniel is an uncompromising Norwegian electronic artist that has been pushing the limits of electronic music releases and building his own hacked instruments since 2008. In recent years he has taken to the micro:bit as a means of creating armies of robotic musicians with which to create and play music. He is known for his violently eccentric live performances and arsenal of homemade instruments. Hectic beats fight for attention while aggressive melodies and harmonies spurt like battery acid out of the speakers. Somewhere in the land of IDM, breakcore and chiptune.

For more you can explore the Captain Credible Experience


Anybody interested in using micro:bit for musical applications, and making robots. No prior skills required. For more of a challenge participants can choose to deep dive into the possibilities of the micro:bit orchestra makecode extension.







Daniel Lacey-McDermott


Artist, Musician, Maker,


Self employed,

AHO Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Artist, musician and maker who has been building, using and teaching homemade electronic instruments, musical robots, sound installations software and more since 2005.